The DfE have reinforced the need "to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of 民主, 法治, 个人自由以及不同信仰和信仰的相互尊重和宽容."
The Government set out its definition of British values in the Prevent Strategy: these values are reinforced regularly and in the following ways:
- 民主
- 法治
- 个人自由
- 相互尊重
- 对不同信仰和信仰的宽容
我们通过规划和提供广泛而均衡的课程来教授英国价值观. 这些价值观是通过我们的个人发展和宗教教育(RE)课程明确教授的.
SMSC和个人发展对确保我们的学生变得善良至关重要, 坚定而自豪的社会成员,鼓励他们成为他们能成为的最好的人. 我们致力于让学生为这些机会做好准备, 学院之外的责任和生活经历, 在现代英国和全球市场.
通过我们的SMSC条款,我们确保学生发展他们的自我认识, 自尊和自信. 他们被鼓励尊重他人并为自己的行为负责. We also promote fundamental 英国价值 ensuring that through our student council students understand 民主 and the importance of rules and laws.
We take opportunities to actively promote British values through assemblies and through whole school systems and structures such as 学生领导 opportunities. We also actively promote the 英国价值 through ensuring that our curriculum planning and delivery includes real opportunities for exploring these values. 积极推广英国价值观也意味着挑战学生, 员工或家长表达与英国基本价值观相悖的观点, 包括“极端主义”观点.
作为我们课程的一部分, 所有年级的学生都有机会成为学院的学生领袖, 与他们的团队一起民主地工作,并为他们的同行辩护和发声. They campaign with their vision for the academy within their tutor/year group to become a representative to join the 学生领导 Team. 学生领导 work closely with teachers and the Principal to debate current issues and bring about democratic change.